Bridget Hogan Cole

Bridget Hogan Cole

Bridget Hogan Cole, MPH, is the founder and Executive Director of the Institute for High Quality Care.

A Long Way to Go

Oh, to Have a Mask, a Strong Vaccine, and a Proper Social Distance Against the Insidious Viruses of Hate, Prejudice, and Racism

As we draw to a close a year of quarantine, a year of courage, a year of sacrifice, a year of loss, and a year of change – I am once again reminded how far we have to go.

The Institute for High Quality Care (IHQC) abhors the harassment, incidences of hate, and acts of violence against Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). There is no place for the systemic plagues of violence, prejudice and racism.

IHQC believes in the power of improvement, knowledge, self-reflection, and change to support communities that are strong and safe and healthy. IHQC also believes in the strength of collaboration with our partners – health care delivery systems, clinics, community-based organizations, providers, staff, executives, leaders, member organizations, funders and foundations – to bring about change.

We stand with our AAPI colleagues, friends, families and communities to seek change and an end to these viruses of hate.

With our hopes for peace,
The team at IHQC


Bridget Hogan ColeA Long Way to Go
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Recognizing, Sharing and Creating Joy

As we welcome December 2020 and celebrate Giving Tuesday, I’ve spent some time considering and seeking joy in different ways. How can we recognize joy in this challenging year? How can we share joy at personal or professional levels? How might we help to create joy?

At IHQC, our mission is to build the capacity of our audiences – to increase the quality and accessibility of safety net healthcare. For me, anchoring on this mission, my joy professionally comes from those “aha” moments that I have witnessed with our audiences, alumni, and colleagues: when topics, resources, and skills we’ve shared are adopted and applied to the priority work for providers, leaders and staff, or when I hear about the great work they are doing and how something we shared helped them along the way. Many of us as capacity builders point to these moments with joy.

So today on Giving Tuesday – IHQC celebrates those “aha” moments and hopes to support another organization of advocates and capacity builders who bring skills and strengths to their communities of focus. IHQC has contributed to the California Black Women’s Health Project (CABWHP) – a statewide non-profit focused on “…improving the health of California’s 1.2 million Black women and girls through advocacy, education, outreach and policy.” For nearly thirty years, CABWHP has focused on how to build skills for personal health and advocacy for policy change – to address the disparities, injustice and inequities that impact black women’s physical and mental health.  Check them out at Thank you CABWHP for the important work you do!

On a personal note – with great JOY – the IHQC team announces the arrival of the newest member of the “family” – our Program Director Chris Hunt recently welcomed a new baby boy into his family. Everyone is home, healthy and settling into some much-deserved time together.

What are some of your moments of joy? Feel free to reach out and share!

Bridget Hogan ColeRecognizing, Sharing and Creating Joy
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Our Commitment to Improvement

“You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.”
~ Maya Angelou

At the Institute for High Quality Care (IHQC), we believe in the linkages between equity, social justice and health. We seek to invest time, to listen, and to support improvements where we can.

We believe in addressing the social determinants of health – so that we can better understand the upstream, the root causes, and make positive changes.  However, we consistently observe the repeated affronts to equity, social justice, and health. We witness communities of color experiencing the dual traumas of brutality and the COVID-19 pandemic.

We will not accept the status quo – to do so goes against the very heart of our work.

We believe in the power of holistic improvement thinking, in the need for self-reflection and assessment. It’s only through truly embracing the core tenets of improvement that we as a society can rise – that we can ultimately invoke and sustain meaningful change. 

Bridget Hogan ColeOur Commitment to Improvement
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Thursday Thoughts – Scope and Scale!

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The magnitude and speed of changes over the past month have been crucial and daunting. As the focus shifts to what’s next, our vision may be on a grand scope – getting everything back to “normal” – but our efforts need to be tempered with considerations about the overall scale of the next steps. What can be accomplished? By when? With what resources?

For this week’s Thursday Thoughts, we’re considering Scope and Scale  – how to scale our efforts; leverage small steps; and remember that with any change, those impacted may need more time to adjust.

Bridget Hogan ColeThursday Thoughts – Scope and Scale!
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Introducing: IHQC’s Thursday Thoughts Series (3/19/2020)

Welcome to the first edition of our new Thursday Thoughts series!

IHQC’s new Thursday Thoughts is a brand-new weekly newsletter, reflecting on our QI programs and content, sharing resources that might be of help during these unprecedented times, and perhaps sending along a smile and a quote or two.

If you’d like to share a story of your improvement work, a resource that you find helpful, or just a quick note – please reach out to us at

Bridget Hogan ColeIntroducing: IHQC’s Thursday Thoughts Series (3/19/2020)
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