A Long Way to Go

Oh, to Have a Mask, a Strong Vaccine, and a Proper Social Distance Against the Insidious Viruses of Hate, Prejudice, and Racism

As we draw to a close a year of quarantine, a year of courage, a year of sacrifice, a year of loss, and a year of change – I am once again reminded how far we have to go.

The Institute for High Quality Care (IHQC) abhors the harassment, incidences of hate, and acts of violence against Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). There is no place for the systemic plagues of violence, prejudice and racism.

IHQC believes in the power of improvement, knowledge, self-reflection, and change to support communities that are strong and safe and healthy. IHQC also believes in the strength of collaboration with our partners – health care delivery systems, clinics, community-based organizations, providers, staff, executives, leaders, member organizations, funders and foundations – to bring about change.

We stand with our AAPI colleagues, friends, families and communities to seek change and an end to these viruses of hate.

With our hopes for peace,
The team at IHQC


Bridget Hogan Cole

Bridget Hogan Cole, MPH, is the founder and Executive Director of the Institute for High Quality Care.

Bridget Hogan ColeA Long Way to Go