Since 2018, the Institute for High Quality Care (IHQC), in partnership with the Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County (CCALAC), has hosted an annual Quality Improvement Summit, a learning event and conference uniquely dedicated to QI staff, providers, and leaders in the safety net.
Now in our sixth year, we are excited to announce the 2023 QI Summit and our return to an in-person conference on September 13th!
The Summit focuses on QI’s vital role in reengaging and optimizing care delivery in the safety net, offering timely and practical discussions to support staff as they focus their efforts on population health and care/case management, while continuously applying QI strategies to optimize their care delivery.
This year’s event includes presentations from subject matter experts and safety net colleagues and facilitated networking opportunities designed to foster connections and sharing of best practices.

Safety Net Care Providers and Staff
Discounted Rate: $300
Discounted registration rate for all staff from community clinics (FQHCs, look-alikes, or low-income/free clinics), county health systems, community clinic consortia members that provide direct patient services, and public hospitals.
General Public
Registration: $400
Registration rate for IT solutions or technical assistance providers, insurance agencies and health plans, consultants, non-profits, or companies and organizations that do not provide direct care services to patients.
Summit Agenda and Topics*:
8:00am - Registration and Breakfast
9:00am - Welcome Remarks
Bridget Hogan Cole, MPH
Executive Director, Institute for High Quality Care (IHQC)
Louise McCarthy, MPP
President and CEO, Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County (CCALAC)
9:30am - Keynote Address
Dr. Roshan Bastani, Ph.D
Professor of Health Policy and Management, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Director of the UCLA Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Equity
Safety net clinics are faced with so much, but by starting small, and identifying the innovations that “stick,” they continue to shine in providing much-needed services to their communities. In her keynote address, Dr. Bastani will celebrate the power and resiliency of the safety net, as observed through a researcher’s lens.
10:30am: Breakout Block #1
Value-Based Pay in Community Health Centers
Presented by Kaiser Permanente
Curt Degenfelder
President, Curt Degenfelder Consulting, Inc
Join Curt for an introductory overview of value-based payment systems, success factors in value based-pay, and the importance of data, followed by a Q&A opportunity. This breakout session will review financial considerations that should be top of mind for clinics in the coming months and provide recommendations for actions that clinics might take in the immediate future to best prepare them for future changes coming down the pipeline.
Telling Our Stories
Kirsten Farrell
Director, The Goodman Center
Since we first began talking to each other, telling stories has been a powerful way to capture attention, engage an audience, and motivate them to act. As we learn more about how our minds work, we’re also discovering that stories are intrinsic to decision-making and influence our behavior every day. In this session, Kirsten Farrell from The Goodman Center will provide answers to three questions: “Why Must We Tell Stories?” “How Do You Tell a Memorable and Persuasive Story?” “What Kinds of Stories Should Your Organization Tell?” Participants will have an opportunity to put the storytelling structure to use in-session.
Advancing Health Equity Through Race & Ethnicity Data Stratification: How knowing who your patients are and understanding their full spectrum of needs improves health equity
Presented by L.A. Care
Priscilla Monserrate-Sanders, MPH
Director, Quality and Population Health, Eisner Health
Deanna Newman, MPA
Senior Manager of Data Operations, CCALAC
Sarine Pogosyan, MBA
Health Equity Program Director, CCALAC
In this panel presentation, CCALAC and Eisner Health will share their collaborative journey in assessing how to collect and track REAL and SOGI data, and their lessons learned from the process.
12:00pm - Lunch
12:45 pm - Mid-Day Plenary
Dr. Sural Shah, MD, MPH
Quality and Health Equity Evaluation and Monitoring Branch Chief, California Department of Health Care Services
Dr. Shah will provide an overview of the “state of the state,” sharing updates and considerations for statewide initiatives in flight, including CalAIM ECM, Community Supports, and Population Health Management Initiative.
1:30 pm - Facilitated Roundtables and Networking Session
Join us for this networking opportunity with IHQC and CCALAC staff and your peers in the California safety net. Ask your questions, share your challenges, and celebrate your successes and best practices in small-group discussions!
2:30pm - Breakout Block #2
Creating an Improvement Culture for the New Age
Rachel DeMaster, MBA
Director of Care Improvement and Innovation, Montage Health
Rachel DeMaster will join us at the QI Summit for an overview of Montage Health’s journey to building an improvement culture through times of change in the healthcare delivery landscape. This session will share some of the models and approaches that have helped create a thriving improvement culture within Montage Health, including LEAN strategies, project management tools, and change management skills. Participants will also have the opportunity to practice with tools and handouts during the session.
How a Clinic Leader Got Her Groove Back: Simple ways to help yourself and your teams build trust, negotiate urgency, and increase people’s ownership of their work
Hunter Gatewood, MSW
Owner/Lead Instructor, Signal Key Consulting
Think about the kind of relationships and team experience you want, for yourself and for the members of your team. That’s your ideal workplace culture. We will take that vision, apply the relevant leadership lessons, and then (the magic part!) work on a few practical steps you can take with your team to move in that direction. Steps that don’t require a lot of time or emotional testimony or even difficult conversations. Then we will take another deep breath or three.
Exploring the Data Exchange Framework
DeeAnne McCallin
Deputy Director, Data Exchange Framework, CalHHS and Center for Data Insights and Innovation
The DxF is California’s first-ever statewide Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) that requires the secure and appropriate exchange of health and human services information to enable providers to work together and improve an individual’s health and wellbeing. Once implemented across California, the Data Exchange Framework (DxF) will create new connections and efficiencies between health and social services providers, improving whole-person care. In this session, DeeAnne McCallin will discuss how to leverage the DxF through a quality improvement lens, and considerations and strategies for organizations who may participate in DxF.
4:15pm - Closing Remarks
Bridget Hogan Cole, MPH
Executive Director, Institute for High Quality Care (IHQC)
Matt Moyer, MPH
Senior Director of Clinical Services, Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County (CCALAC)
*Agenda and speakers subject to change.
Health and Safety
An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other communicable illnesses exists in any public place where people are present. If you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses, please do not attend this event and stay home if possible. If you exhibit symptoms within 48 hours of the QI Summit, please contact about your registration.
Masks are optional while attending this program. Complimentary KN95 masks and hand sanitizer will be available at the registration desk and throughout the venue.
Thank you to our 2023 QI Summit Sponsors!

Interested in becoming a 2023 QI Summit sponsor?
Please contact us at for more information.
Photography, screen captures, and audio/video recordings will be taken at this event, some of which may include attendees’ likenesses and voices. By registering for this event via Eventbrite or other channels, you agree that photography and audio/video recordings taken at this event may be used in future IHQC or CCALAC promotions or materials. Please contact if you have any additional questions.