Thursday, August 23, 2018
8:00am – 4:00pm
The Westin Bonaventure
404 S Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071 Get Directions
$50 Registration
Includes parking fee and meals. Financial assistance may be available – contact
The 2018 L.A. County Quality Improvement Summit is an event for clinic providers and staff who are passionate about improving quality and efficiency in their organizations. Attendees will gain skills, resources, and coaching through plenary presentations from improvement and innovation leaders, interactive problem-solving roundtables and facilitated learning labs. The Summit also features IHQC’s classic Fundamentals in QI training for those new to QI or refreshing their skills. The day also features local healthcare experts in QI methodology, human-centered design, standardizing and managing change, interpersonal skills, and strategic planning. Designed to meet the needs of providers and staff at all levels of expertise, you won’t want to miss this exciting inaugural QI event!
Agenda and Session Details
Download a copy of the event agenda and session descriptions by clicking the image above.
Who Should Participate in This Track?
Anyone new to quality and process improvement and/or interested in a 1-day refresher on these fundamental tools and approaches. Past participants have come from many roles at a health center including providers, nurses, medical assistants, clinic managers, billing, quality, and board members. Please note that, while attendees are welcome to float between tracks throughout the day, we encourage those interested in IHQC’s Fundamentals in QI to attend all three sessions listed in Track 1 as they will be designing a small scale improvement project to test back at their organization.
Session 1A: Problem Assessment
Taking on an improvement project may seem overwhelming and it can be hard to know how to begin. Using IHI’s Model for Improvement framework, this session will introduce specific tools and strategies that will help participants understand their current systems and processes, identify and dig deeper into potential problems, and highlight areas of focus in future improvement efforts.
Presenter: Kate Colwell, MD, Institute for High Quality Care
Session 1B: Measurement for Improvement
Once you have an idea of the problems you’d like to address in your clinic, you’ll need to ensure that your improvement efforts make a valuable impact. Building upon the problem assessment break out, participants in this session will learn to measure for improvement by selecting meaningful measures and developing a data collection plan.
Presenter: Sirisha Gummadi, MHA, Institute for High Quality Care
Session 1C: PDSA’s and Rapid Cycle Improvement
Change efforts often take time and involve many phases. This session aims to make change more manageable, by highlighting techniques that will break down your changes, allow you to test on a small-scale, and give you strategies to operationalize an improvement project through the rapid-cycle plan-do-study-act model.
Presenters: Kate Colwell, MD and Sirisha Gummadi, MHA, Institute for High Quality Care
Session 2A: Living in a World of Imperfect Data
Much as we may love the wealth of data available from our IT systems and the abundance of possibilities it presents, often we become paralyzed in moving forward if the data is not 100% accurate. This session will present a friendly framework for assessing your data situation and a balanced approach for getting past perfectionist tendencies to make use of the data we have, not the data we wish we had.
Presenter: Jerry Lassa, MS, Data Matt3rs
Session 2B: Standardizing Change
As you shift from testing changes to implementing them across your organization, you need approaches and tools to make sure those improvements spread and stick. In this session, you will learn how to influence others to adopt change through personal, social and structural supports, and make a plan to apply at least one effective tool to a specific change getting rolled out at your organization.
Presenter: Wendy Jameson, MPP, MPH, Wendy Jameson Consulting
Session 2C: Human Centered Design & Journey Mapping
One of the new innovation frameworks that is being adopted more and more frequently in the healthcare sector is Human Centered Design. In this session participants will learn about the Human Centered Design (HCD) method of creative problem solving and explore one HCD tool that is particularly relevant to quality and process improvement – Journey Mapping.
Presenter: Kat Khoo, Innovation & Design Lead for LAMC Consulting Services, Kaiser Permanente
Who Should Participate in This Track?
The sessions in this track explore skills that are needed by those managing and leading quality and process improvement activities and initiatives within their organization (e.g., quality managers, quality associates, nurses, case managers, health educators).
Session 3A: Influencing Others for Change
A majority of change efforts will fail – by some estimates over 75% – often due to the lack of engagement of others. As QI staff, you may not have direct authority over those that are critical to the success of your change effort. This session will focus on how to effectively engage others in your QI and change efforts and give you the skills needed to exercise influence and gain commitment for sustainable change.
Presenter: Melissa Schoen, MBA, MPH, Schoen Consulting
Session 3B: Five Steps to Managing Up for Greater Success
In this interactive session, attendees will hone their skills for managing leadership, peer and employee relationships for greater personal and organizational success. With a primary focus on managing up, this session is grounded in the practical tips, language and techniques that facilitate greater impact and influence within an organization. Attendees will participate in group discussion and exercises to put these skills to immediate use.
Presenter: Carol Spychalski, KDD Philanthropy
Session 3C: Coaching Skills for QI
Participants will have the opportunity to explore and practice skills that enable you to engage others in active improvement work—to identify problems, generate solutions and adopt and spread changes. You can use these skills in any role or position; you don’t have to have “coach” in your title to use these effective coaching skills, as they apply to any situation involving improvement, change and transformation.
Presenter: Wendy Jameson, MPP, MPH, Wendy Jameson Consulting
Who Should Participate in This Track?
This track has been developed for clinic executives, leaders, and managers who are interested in exploring strategies build a sustainable organizational culture of quality (e.g., CEO’s, CMO’s COO’s, Medical Directors, quality directors and managers, etc.)
Session 4A&B: Building an Organizational Strategy in Support of QI
Leadership buy-in and careful strategic planning are some of the most critical factors in achieving true practice transformation. In this interactive roundtable discussion, clinic leaders and executives will explore a strategic planning framework to guide the integration of QI into both external community goals and internal organizational goals. Safety net clinic executive leaders and management will also share their first-hand experience in putting that framework into practice when determining their strategic plans, incorporating QI among strategic goals, and engaging their staff in QI.
Moderator: Cindy Barr, RN, EDAC, Capital Link, Inc.
Panelists: Nathalia Jimenez, MPH, MBA & Aracely Scerra, Harbor Community Clinic
Anita Zamora, RN, MSN, CNS & Meghan Powers, Venice Family Clinic
Session 4C: The Positive Power of Resiliency – Making successful health care providers even more successful
Why do we care about resilience in healthcare today? With physician burnout at 54.4% nationwide, according to the most recent Mayo Clinic study on burnout in specialties, the medical world needs solutions now. Through the science of positive psychology, we have learned that resiliency is a skill set that can be learned and cultivated. In coaching healthcare providers how to be more resilient, the power comes in their new found self-awareness and being able to be aware of a situation, recognize that setbacks are part of their career, identify as a survivor rather than a victim, embrace change, and nurture themselves, by taking time to work on their personal skills. This presentation will outline how to begin that work and why.
Panelists: Karen Garman, EdD, MAPP, H.E.L.P. Consulting
*Schedule, presenters, and topics are subject to change.